Every year Jersey Consumer Council helps hundreds of people. Unfortunately, you may feel that the Council has not reacted quickly enough or treated you fairly and wish to make a complaint.
It is important to let us know if you are unhappy with the service provided, so before raising a complaint you may wish to speak to the Executive Officer or Chair, as they might be able to sort out the problem straight away and what you tell us helps to improve our service to consumers.
We will treat your complaint confidentially, seriously and quickly.
There are several ways to make a complaint which should be addressed to either the Executive Officer or Chair of the Jersey Consumer Council.
Your complaint will be investigated by the Executive Officer under the direction of the Chair, or by the Chair if you are complaining about the Executive Officer. If it is upheld, you will get a full apology and, where appropriate, be given details of any action that the office is taking to put things right.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can ask for a further review. We will aim to respond in full to your complaint in eight weeks. However, if the issue is complicated, any delay will be explained and you will be kept informed of progress.
By post: Jersey Consumer Council, 2nd Floor Salisbury House, 1-9 Union Street, St. Helier JE2 3RF
By email: contact@consumercouncil.je
Website: www.consumercouncil.je
By phone: 01534 611161
If you are still not happy after the response, you can request a further review. If you are still not happy, you can ask for your complaint to be looked at by an Independent Adjudicator.
Finally, your complaint may go to a person who is entirely separate from the Jersey Consumer Council. This person is called the Independent Adjudicator. If you want to progress to this stage, you must do so within four weeks of receiving the Jersey Consumer Council review.