10th November 2023

No reduced-price Christmas stamps this festive season

Living Costs

For the first time in many years, Jersey Post has announced that it will not be offering reduced-price Christmas stamps this festive season.

Last year, numerous Islanders contacted us to express their disappointment about the fact that the deadline to use these stamps had been reduced to 25 November – including for Christmas mail to Jersey and the UK – with many saying that it was too early for them to take advantage of the scheme.

However, rather than make the deadline later again, this year the stamps have been scrapped altogether.

Jersey Post announced the decision earlier this week, and have included it in their Christmas posting guide, which is currently being delivered to all homes in the Island.

They announced: “This year, Jersey Post is not offering reduced rate stamps. However, by keeping in mind the challenges of the cost of living for Islanders, there will be no increase to the 100g letter and large letter rates of local and UK postage in 2024.’

A number of consumers have contacted us about the decision, with one saying: “It’s very disappointing, the deadline to use these stamps has been getting earlier and earlier every year, and now they’ve been scrapped altogether. After all the problems we’ve had with our post this year, since the removal of the mail plane, it would have been a nice goodwill gesture for Islanders.”

Another Islander told us: “I’m a pensioner, and stamps are really expensive since the latest rise earlier in the year. Post to the UK now takes weeks because the mail plane is gone. It’s ridiculous. I love sending Christmas cards, but with no reduced-price stamps it’s going to be expensive this year."

Jersey Post has offered reduced-priced stamps in the lead-up to Christmas for a number of years. When the scheme first launched, it was available into the second week of December, though a couple of years ago the deadline was brought forward to 2 December, and last year Islanders were frustrated when it was reduced further, to 25 November.

We contacted Jersey Post to pass on Islanders’ concerns and disappointment. Julie Thomas, Managing Director, Postal and Logistics told us: “We understand our customers will be disappointed with Jersey Post’s decision to discontinue discounted stamps in the run up to Christmas.

“Along with the operational complexities of offering a specific stamp for a very limited period, Jersey Post felt that freezing the price of stamps for the first weight step for Local and UK mail for a whole year would provide longer lasting benefit for the widest group of customers, many of whom do not send Christmas cards at all.

“We hope customers understand this decision and that they can enjoy using this year’s Jersey artist themed Christmas stamps which go on sale on 11 November.”

You can see all of the information about Christmas postage, and Jersey Post’s recommended last posting dates, on their website.

Jersey Post has also announced that it will be offering its Mail Retention service free of charge to Islanders affected by Storm Ciarán who are currently unable to receive mail at home. Any Islanders wishing use the service should email retentionofmail@jerseypost.com